Stale Project Review


The Women & Children’s Health Research Institute (WCHRI) has been managing an installation of REDCap since late 2009. In that time we have created more than 7,000 individual projects in the system. Most of these contain data for legitimate research projects, but many were created for demonstration or testing, and some were for studies that never went ahead. Less than half of all projects have been moved to Production status in REDCap. Of these, a significant number have been completed and published, but others may have been abandoned.

Starting with our standard REDCap install we will perform a review of all ‘stale’ projects. This review will:

Based on the university's document retention policy we're defining a stale project as any project that has had no activity logged in the previous 7 years.

Review Process

For each stale project, we will attempt to identify the project’s PI or owner based on:

After the initial review we will contact project owners for a decision on how to proceed. Options will include:

Orphaned Projects

An orphaned project is any project that has been inactive for more than seven years and does not have a PI or owner that is contactable and responding to project related communications.

Orphaned projects will be deleted.