Service Incidents

Time Issues affecting timestamps and survey invitations

January 26th 2025 to January 28th 2025. 

On Sunday January 26th we upgraded critical components of the software stack on which REDCap is dependent. Unfortunately, undocumented changes to the way PHP determines the system's time zone resulted in the REDCap software incorrectly using UTC time, rather than local Mountain Time. REDCap is dependent on time for performing a number of operations. These include, but may not be limited to:

Since UTC time is 7 hours ahead of Mountain time:

The issue was identified on January 28th at 4:48 pm and was resolved at 5:23 the same day.

This applies to our "standard" install at Our validated REDCap installation was not affected.

Issues sending emails to Microsoft domains - 5th May 2023

Updated 8th. May 2023.

It has come to our attention that Microsoft mail servers are delaying, and in some cases failing to deliver, email messages (including survey invitations) sent from our REDCap systems to Microsoft owned domains such as,, and We are working with the University of Alberta's central IT services in order to resolve the issue but at this time it is largely outside of our control.

Today, 8th May we were informed that emails to Microsoft domain's are now being sent correctly. 

Critical Security Vulnerabilities Discovered and Resolved - 19th April to 5th May 2023

Mid-afternoon on April 19th we received a notification from the REDCap team at Vanderbilt that critical security vulnerabilities had been discovered in all current releases of REDCap. In order to protect the integrity of the data and the privacy of our study participants we took the decision to take our REDCap servers offline and to perform emergency upgrades to install security patches provided by Vanderbilt. We took both of our REDCap systems offline at approximately 3:30 pm. Both systems were upgraded to the latest REDCap release. The MICYRN install was back online at 7:40 pm and our Standard install was back online at 8:15 pm.

In the following two weeks, additional vulnerabilities have been discovered and we have continued to patch our systems as each fix becomes available.

What this means for your study

As always when REDCap is offline, survey invitations may be delayed and survey participants cannot complete surveys during that time. Generally, any delayed survey invitations are sent as soon as REDCap is back online. However, this is dependent on the logic used to configure each individual survey invitation.

As always with a new release, there may be changes to REDCap features and functionality. In this specific release there are bug-fixes that may change the way survey invitations may be handled if a survey has been completed before the invitation is sent. If you are using automated survey invitations in your study and are also completing one or more survey instruments as a logged-in user (rather than as a survey participant) you should check how invitations and reminders are handled in your project. 

We do not believe that the security or integrity of any study data has been compromised.

For Health Canada and other regulated clinical trials

The MICYRN installation of REDCap is validated for use in Health Canada regulated clinical trials. However, validation is a long process that requires both planning and effort. Given the sudden appearance and the severity of the vulnerabilities, and on consultation with senior staff members, we made the decision that the security of the data would take priority over and above the validated state of the system. Indeed, failure to deal with a possible security issue could also be considered a compliance issue. We consider this upgrade to be low risk and will be validating this release retrospectively.

REDCap Outage - 18th April 2023

At approximately 3:40 PM on April 18th. we suffered a failure in a storage device in the Faculty's secure data centre. This resulted in the database servers for both of our REDCap systems being unavailable. The problem was diagnosed and rectified by the University's central IT group. Normal REDCap service was resumed at approximately 10:00 pm.

What this means for your study

Apart from regular users not being able to login and enter data, the system was unavailable to survey participants. Additionally, depending on individual project configurations, some automated survey invitations may have been delayed or missed. If your study employs automated survey invitations you may wish to check your survey invitation log. Any surveys that were missed can be sent manually.

The integrity of existing data was not affected.

REDCap Service Incident - 22nd January 2023

Early in the evening of January 22nd. the server running the database that serves our main REDCap installation suffered from a storage failure. As a result, the system was offline from approximately 5:10 pm until midnight, when the fault was resolved.

What this means for your study

Apart from regular users not being able to login and enter data, the system was unavailable to survey participants. Additionally, depending on individual project configurations, some automated survey invitations may have been delayed or missed. If your study employs automated survey invitations you may wish to check your survey invitation log. Any surveys that were missed can be sent manually.

REDCap Service Incident - 28th October 2020

It has come to our attention that overnight on October 28th 2020 the University of Alberta's central mail servers encountered a problem that led to them rejecting some emails from our REDCap servers. The rejected emails were those to recipients with external (not email addresses. Due to the nature of the error and the way REDCap delivers emails, these emails were lost. Having identified the problem we notified IST (our central computer services group) and the problem was resolved at approximately 1:45 pm on October 29th.

What this means for your study


If you have further questions please email our helpdesk at