Survey Parameters
Survey Parameters (Passing data in the public survey link)
Did you know that you can pass data into a public survey through the public survey link? Here's an example of how and why you might want to do that.
You're collaborating on a project with an investigator from Calgary and are planning to recruit participants through two different project web pages (one for your Calgary investigator and one for your Edmonton investigator). Also, the Edmonton and Calgary REBs have different requirements for the study information and consent questions. As a result, your participants need to be shown different data depending on where they are from. Here's how you can achieve that.
In the online designer, add a question before the consent information which asks "Where do you currently live? Edmonton area / Calgary area". (Let's name it reb_region)
In the Action Tag field for this question add the @HIDDEN-SURVEY action tag. This will hide the question on survey forms.
Add branching logic to the consent variables to show and hide them appropriately based on the value of the reb_region variable.
When we get the public link to the survey we can add a parameter to the end indicating which consent should be displayed.
In a web page URL (link) the name of the page can be followed by a question mark to indicate that there are parameters.
Parameters are represented as name/value pairs (where the name and value are separated by an equal sign) and each name/value pair is separated by an ampersand
In a REDCap survey link, the first parameter is a token that indicates which survey is to be displayed.
So, a REDCap survey URL, that includes data for variables var_a and var_b looks something like this:
Check out these two links: